Friday, December 17, 2010

The Power of an Apple Commercial

In our house, Papa Lai was well-known for his epic battles with our PCs.  There have been a few keyboards and mouse(s) that have been collateral damage in Papa Lai's war with the machines.  Mama Lai isn't much more savvy, but her battle tactics are more passive aggressive.  The cameras and video cameras they purchase sit in closets, collecting dust in their original boxes.

One holiday season, I was sitting with Mama Lai and Papa Lai when the iPhone commercial came up.  I heard Mama Lai and Papa Lai "ooh and ahh".  In coincidental unison, they both said "I want that."  Surprised because my parents, at the time, barely knew how to answer their phone, I incredulously responded "you want an iPhone???".  Mama Lai  said:
"THAT is a phone??? I thought it was..."
And she paused and then realized she didn't even know what the product in the commercial was.
"Oh these commercials are so good.  I don't even know it was, but they make it look so cool." 
And Papa Lai left the room and said grumpily:
"I don't know what it is either, but I want one." 

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