Friday, November 12, 2010

Papa Lai Bewitched

This story provides support to Mama Lai's allegation that Papa Lai believed he "hit gold" when he met Mama Lai.

Papa Lai is now retired.  With all the free time he had on his hands, he decided that he was going to pick out animal avatars for his family.  My sister was easy -- she could be a duck, I would be a penguin.  My brother could be either a frog or dolphin and Papa Lai was "obviously" a turtle.  But he couldn't quite figure out what Mama Lai's avatar should be and turned to his three ducklings for help:
"What should your mother be?"
Duckie, was the first to answer, demonstrating without a doubt that she is Mama Lai's spawn stating, without reservation:
"She should be a teradactyl...or a sabre tooth tiger." 
Papa Lai was almost indignant:
"No, no.  You mother is so a dove."