Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words from Papa Lai

When I was home one holiday I was showing Mama Lai photos, when Papa Lai came around wanting to know what all the fuss was about.  Peering at the computer screen he asked
“Who is THAT?”
“Um, me dad.  Your first born.”
Perhaps upset or just plain grumpy, Papa Lai scratched the top of his head with his thumb and grunted,
“Doesn’t look like you.” 
Then promptly left the room. 

This past weekend I sent Papa Lai a photo that was taken of me along with some of my friends.
 “This photo doesn’t say anything.  What is it?”
Bracing myself for maybe another senior citizen moment, I replied “It’s a picture of me and friends.”
 “Oh.  Who are you friends?  I don’t recognize them.  I recognize you though!”
He recognized me.  ☺  And to make my day even brighter he said,
“And still beautiful.”

1 comment:

  1. Aww nothing makes the day brighter like a compliment from your dad :-)
